Another thing to note is that mysql automatically closes idle connections after 8hrs (by default).

You can configure DBCP to test on borrow or to periodically squirt some sql down idle connections.



David Wood wrote:

Thanks very much for the suggestion.

I'm not using connection pooling at this stage.  I have deployed my web
service scoped as an Application.  It only uses one connection, and the
classes maintain some medium sized data structures which I do not want to
have to re-create each time the service is consumed.  I'll investigate the
pooling, as an auto-reconnect feature will be necessary in some form or
another, and if DBCP can do it then that would be great, even if I maintain
only one connection I guess...


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:33 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: tomcat pauses then crashes after a period of time

Hash: SHA1


David Wood wrote:
Ok, I have found the problem. A firewall between my tomcat server and a
MySQL server was closing the database connection.


The execution continued and an exception was thrown,
where in the catch{} section I was then calling System.exit(), which I
thought would shut down the web service only, but it is actually shutting
down the whole JVM, causing tomcat to stop too.

Heh, well /there's/ yer problem.

Firewalls are known for terminating "idle" TCP/IP connections after a
certain period of time, which is unfortunate, as many deployments put
the database behind the firewall and the app servers out front.

Are you using any kind of database connection pooling? If so, perhaps
there is an auto-reconnect feature available for that component. For
instance, Jakarta Commons DBCP includes such a feature. Once you are
using DBCP, your code doesn't have to know how to handle unexpected
disconnects like that, since the connection pool handles the automatic
reconnection for you.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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