> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: Re: Deploying shared .jar's
> Does that mean that Dave can put his JAR file into
> $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib instead of $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib and he
> will get the desired behavior?

Yes, except that shared is under CATALINA_BASE, not CATALINA_HOME.
Since _HOME and _BASE are the same in most installations, I can't keep
them straight without re-reading the RUNNING.txt file.

Note that in Tomcat 6, by default, the shared directory disappears (as
does server), and common is renamed to lib.  The TC6 RUNNING.txt file
indicates that lib should be under CATALINA_BASE, but the
catalina.properties file defines the class loader for it as using
CATALINA_HOME, so watch out for the discrepancy there.

 - Chuck

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