I never ment to start a flame war, so I will try to give short answer
and without deepen the topic.

On 12/26/06, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> Each day there are at least 2-3 people on the tomcat irc channel
> claiming having problems with tomcat, which results in using package
> from a distro or gcj. Not all from gentoo though :-)

For the record (and from a Gentoo user), no Gentoo newbie is going to be
having the gcj issue.. it's not easy to enable gcj on Gentoo. The
currently available JVMs are:

I wrote:
"which results in using package from a distro _or_ gcj. Not all from
gentoo though"

No need in listening gentos-jdks.

Also, the Tomcat that you get through Gentoo is the same as the one that
you'd get if you were to download the TC source (as well as all of the
dependent stuff) and compile it/them. Source version + compiler should
equal the binary version, and I think that's what William is saying is
/not the case/. Give the guy a break.

Except that you'd have to download the dependant stuff in the
appropriate version and not just latest from head or release.

The big problem the package maintainers (and many users) are having is
that TC simply depends on too many effing things, with no way to
separate anything out. Don't want JSSE? Too bad. You need it to compile.
(Okay, maybe a bad example).

Take the binary version (which isn't binary after all:-) ) and simply use it :-)

>> Also I don't like having multiple copies of the same jars or libraries
>> on my system. Maybe you do, again it's choice. The way we do things most
>> systems will only have one copy of a lib that Tomcat might use. Netbeans
>> also might use it, as well as other apps. Upgrade for one is an upgrade
>> for all :)
> Exactly there we have a problem. If I have 2 apps demanding different
> versions of stuff, I don't want to break the first by simply
> installing the second :-)

Portage won't break the older version without a suitable upgrade (for
the dependent package or app). That's the point of the package manager.
If course, you can always tell the package manager to shut up and let
you upgrade anyway, but then you deserve your misery.

I have to agree that I don't really like system-wide Java packages, but
really what's the difference between a system-wide Jakarta-ORO and a
system-wide regexp library for C/C++?

Maybe that most of us are java aware, but less c aware. Probably
people who are heavily working with the c-stuff don't use c packages
either :-)

>> I run Tomcat for professional reasons. Its for those same reason I
>> prefer to use the latest version of packages. Not outdated shipped
>> binaries. But to each their own.
> So you have a complex automatic regression test suite to ensure that
> your apps will run in the next version? Than I assume you have never
> shiped a 5.0.x version above 5.0.19, since there was never a working
> version in 5.0. branch after 5.0.19.

Don't forget that William is really talking about /other/ packages, upon
which TC is dependent. He's saying that he wants the latest
commons-whatever (just like everyone), but the build process is
hampering him.

Again, why? If you want the latest commons for your webapp, feel free
to drop it in your webapp. Your webapp can't access libs used by
tomcat anyway. If you want to update the one tomcat uses, replace the
one in server libs. If it doesn't work, recompile wouldn't probably
work as well.

>> >  And for the newbies the binaries tomcat.apache.org provides
>> > are perfect (at least they work!).
>> Did anyone ever say Tomcat on Gentoo did not work? Again this was an
>> uninformed user griping about dependencies at compile time. Not runtime
>> issues.
> Than gentoo is a lot better than debian or suse.

Word. ;) More up-to-date packages, complete customization, no kitchen
sink. Everyone should at least be aware of Gentoo, even if you think
that compiling everything is stupid.

Nothing against gentoo, but sofar everyone I know of, who was using
gentoo is now un (k)ubuntu.

> But what my post is really about is: distros are good for stuff you
> don't want to mess around with, like kernel, standard services or
> security patches. But as soon as you seriously work with java, the
> distros aren't sufficent.

I must admit that due to the stupidity William mentions, I can't even
contemplate using a package-managed version of Tomcat. What's the almost
hostile reaction to him asking for help?

There was no hostile reaction at all ;-) Just xmas rantings.



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