Thank you for your prompt answer, really, but please notice the
original question was:

how do I deploy a webapp ***from the ant deploy task*** avoiding it to copy
the entire application under tomcat/webapps?

I was trying to follow the development process described at  until I
found out that in practice it doesn't work exactly as explained there,
so the intention of the post was to clarify the use of ant deploy

Best regards,

On 1/4/07, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        <target name="copy_jsps" >
                <copy todir="${output.webapp}">
                        <fileset dir="${web.dir}">
                                <include name="**/*"/>
                        <fileset dir="${src.dir}">
                                <include name="**/*.vm"/>
                                <include name="**/*.jsp"/>
and copy_jsps
1 second and you are done, and don't have to change your project
structure, neither your deployment.

On 1/4/07, Carlos Pita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why not just drop in the new war file created from the ant war task?
> > Tomcat will reload the app automatically.
> Copy the entire app war, explode it, deploy it (and of course
> recompile the requested jsp),
> all that just to check, say, that a typo in the view was corrected or
> that some cell contents are now correctly aligned?
> > On a half-way fast pc it  will last 10 seconds (depending on the size of
> > the webapp of course,
> That's just about what it last on my pc. It seems overkilling for
> checking tiny changes in jsps to me.
> Anyway, the documentation I referred from my previous post seems to
> suggest that the task is able to deploy the app without copying it
> (not to mention without "waring" it).
> Best regards,
> Carlos
> On 1/4/07, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > and the amount of work need to be done on undeploy/deploy)
> >
> > Leon
> >
> >         <target name="war" depends="init,compile,complete.web">
> >                 <war destfile="${output}/${}.war" 
> >                         <fileset dir="${output.webapp}"/>
> >                 </war>
> >         </target>
> >
> >         <target name="deploy.web" depends="war">
> >                 <copy 
> >                         <fileset file="${output}/${}.war"/>
> >                 </copy>
> >         </target>
> >
> > and you are done.
> >
> > On 1/4/07, Carlos Pita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > how do I deploy a webapp from the ant deploy task avoiding it to copy
> > > the entire application under tomcat/webapps? The point is to simply
> > > update my build directory with modified jsps to make tomcat aware of
> > > the changes. If this build directory, which of course is not under
> > > webapps, is first copied under webapps by the ant deploy task, then
> > > nothing is updated there each time I build the app, and instead I have
> > > to explicitly redeploy it. One solution that comes to my mind is to
> > > deploy an xml context descriptor instead of a exploded war directory.
> > > But anyway, from the documentation here:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > I would infer that deploying my application by means of a target like
> > >
> > >   <target name="tomcat-deploy" depends="init,build,init-ant"
> > > description="Deploy application to servlet container">
> > >     <tomcat-deploy url="${tomcat.manager.url}"
> > > username="${tomcat.manager.username}"
> > >                    password="${tomcat.manager.password}"
> > > path="${tomcat.context.path}"
> > >                    war="file://${}" />
> > >  </target>
> > >
> > > will in principle install the application into tomcat without copying
> > > it into webapps, which in practice it doesn't.  The following excerpts
> > > from the above links seem to support my supposition:
> > >
> > > """
> > > For interactive development and testing of your web application using
> > > Tomcat 5, the following additional targets are defined:
> > >
> > >     * install - Tell the currently running Tomcat 5 to make the
> > > application you are developing immediately available for execution and
> > > testing. This action does not require Tomcat 5 to be restarted, but it
> > > is also not remembered after Tomcat is restarted the next time.
> > > """
> > >
> > > (notice that the install target uses the deploy task, despite of its name)
> > >
> > > """
> > > # Modify and rebuild as needed. As you discover that changes are
> > > required, make those changes in the original source  files, not in the
> > > output build directory, and re-issue the ant compile command. This
> > > ensures that your changes will be available to be saved (via cvs
> > > commit) later on -- the output build directory is deleted and
> > > recreated as necessary.
> > >
> > > # Reload the application. Tomcat will recognize changes in JSP pages
> > > automatically, but it will continue to use the old versions of any
> > > servlet or JavaBean classes until the application is reloaded. You can
> > > trigger this by executing the ant reload command.
> > > """
> > >
> > > Can you help me? I find this very confusing.
> > >
> > > Thank you in advance.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Carlos
> > >
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