I'm having trouble with the auto-deploy of .war files on Tomcat 5.5.20
running on Windows 2003 Server.

When I drop a new .war file into the appropriate webapps directory,
Tomcat's finding it and trying to deploy it, but it fails.  It succeeds
in removing the old directory (that a previous auto-deployment created)
in the webapps directory, but it fails to complete the deployment with:

2007-01-09 11:21:44,859
(org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig,init(),ERROR) Exception fixing docBase: {0}
java.util.zip.ZipException: The process cannot access the file because
it is being used by another process


2007-01-09 11:21:44,875
(org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext,resourcesStart(),ERROR) Error
starting static Resources
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid or unreadable WAR file : The
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

If I stop the Tomcat service and restart it (without touching the .war
file at all), Tomcat comes up fine, discovers the .war file a few
seconds later, and deploys it without a problem (thus demonstrating that
the .war file itself is fine).

Any ideas?  I have two machines that are exhibiting this same behavior,
and a third that never has this problem (using the same .war file in all
cases).  The "no problem" machine is my developmental machine running
Windows XP, and the two problematic machines are running Windows 2003


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