Hello Uwe,

Langjahr, Uwe wrote:
Hello together,

I'm a newbie using Java/Tomcat/JSF-MyFaces all together.
Can somebody help me, I have problems with the logging mechanism.

- I want to use the JDK logging mechanism in my webapp.
- I want to use my own class uxspiweb.log.DebugFormatter for the
- The class DebugFormatter is NOT used/found/applied/accessable?
- Other classes from the webapps don't have any problem.
- BUT I belief, that the UXSPI-WEB/WEB-INF/classes/logging.properties is
"evaluated", because
  the following entry "org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = UXSPIWEB."
is active.
  If I modify this entry, another logfile is created.
- I also have tried things like this: (in the class TreeController)

Any ideas?


JDK 1.5.0_06-b05
Tomcat 5.5.16
Windows XP
try to put your formatter on the system classpath, where Tomcat JULI resists...


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