Hi, Rashmi, thanks for replying.

On 1/15/07, Rashmi Rubdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recommend SDN's JSP forum : http://forum.java.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=45

And for JSP Tag Libraries this mailing list : 

Great. Thanks again. :-)

1) I tested your jsp: include, both files returned the same size when tested 
with Firefox's page size extension tool. I got 19KBs in both cases.
   But if you just look at the size of test.jsp *before* it translates and 
processes the request, it's size is 0.1 KB because of the code it contains.

I fixed it in another reply.

2) This syntax <%@ include file="request.getParameter("f")" %> , is not 
correct. The correct syntax only allows a URL in the file attribute as shown here:
http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/syntax/2.0/syntaxref209.html#1003408  , since 
the include is a directive and not a JSP action.

Yes, I know it's not very syntax correct. however, there is no error
in compilation. So I wonder maybe there is a deeper reason that it
doesn't work.

Thx, Xuekun

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