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David Delbecq wrote:
> If you run two tomcat instances, from same location, at same time you
> will run into various troubles

I think Peter Crowther hit the nail on the head: we are being imprecise
in our terminology.

I've been talking about a single installation (i.e. only one binary copy
of Tomcat) but using several customized instances (separate conf,
webapps, etc. directories).

There is no trouble with doing this. I do it myself, although with only
a single JVM version, but I know that it is possible. Another poster is
also doing exactly what I describe and it's working just fine.

> 1) The second VM will have problems binding to ports, as the first one
> will already have claimed the port. You can argue to use different
> config, but then it's 2 different installations.

I suppose this is a matter of semantics. When I upgrade my single
installation, I only have to do it once. If I had two copies of that
install, then I would have to upgrade twice (one for each install).
That's why I call this a single installation and not multiple installs.

> 2) Compiling jsp might end up in java 5 format .class, which the java
> 1.4 JVM is unable to load.

Certainly, which is why you want to be careful about not accidentally
running your 1.5-compiled stuff in 1.4, which is unlikely to happen,
given that the OPs requirement is that one of his webapps /always/ runs
under 1.4.

> 3) you will have concurrent access to the work directory by 2 process,
> which can lead to corrupted files.

There are separate work directories, so this is not an issue.

- -chris
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