Gregor Schneider schrieb:
yes. simply don't use meta-tags, since according to some rfc browsers
do not have to interprete them.

use http-headers instead, simples as:

Expires: (Actual date - 1 month)

Write a filter that modifies the headers of each response.

Worked for us, although it was the otehr way round (we wanted to
browsers to cache).


Thank you Greg,

I tried this:

Sending a last-modified header from 1970 in the response. Mozilla started sending this old date in the if-modified-since header. But Tomcat is still caching. No good.

I played with modifying the etag and if-none-match response headers. Still caching.

Anything else I could modify? But the main question for me is still: "why does tomcat ignore all the context attributes regarding caching?"

<Context cacheMaxSize="1" cacheTTL="1" cachingAllowed="false" />

No effect at all. Why? Very strange for me.

Does anybody succeed with that?



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