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PATTUS, Jean-Philippe wrote:
> When i fill my form with chinese characters and i submit() the form,
> on the server side when i read the parameter from my request i get
> "C:/ç›é€‰ç¨‹åº" something like this.

Where do you see this kind of thing?

> On the jsp page when i display the query string
> (document.location.search) i get the correct chinese characters.
> How could i set the encoding parameter to Tomcat ? I have tried to
> add URIEncoding="UTF-8" in my server.xml but it doesn't work.

If the characters re-display correctly in your page after a submit, then
I would say that everything is working correctly.

If you are seeing those funny characters in a log file, then I would
suggest that maybe the tool you are using for viewing your logfile (tail
on UNIX, notepad, whatever) might not understand UTF-8 and/or your
logfile itself is not declared to contain UTF-8 characters.

It might just be a problem with viewing your logs, and it's really
working behind the confusion.

- -chris

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