Jsp files which are compile time includes should not end in .jsp - but something else. (Preferably .jspf)

renaming test2.jsp to test2.jspf will fix your precompilation issue.

Using jspf has the added advantage of also letting you know immediately the files being used as compile time includes. If the jsp is also not hidden in WEB-INF but on the document root - its also easier to protect those files in case a malicious user could figure out such a fragment exists and call it directly potentially bypassing validations or other logic.


Martin Lambert wrote:

I'm having problems doing JSP pre-compilation using Tomcat's JSP 
pre-compilation libraries and Ant. The problem is demonstrated by the following:


<% String myVar = "Hello"; %>

<%@ include file="test2.jsp" %>

Some more text



<%= myVar + "World" %>


test.jsp loads correctly when accessed from Tomcat, however, when I use Ant 
with the build.xml above and Tomcat's JSP compiler libraries I get:

D:\dev\myproject\build\web-test\org\apache\jsp\test2_jsp.java:43: cannot find 
symbol  : variable myVar
location: class org.apache.jsp.test2_jsp
      out.print( myVar + "World" );
1 error

I have tested this using both Tomcat 5.5.15 and Tomcat 5.5.20.

When JspC completes there are 2 Java source files, test2_jsp.java which ties up with 
test2.jsp's content (making reference to myVar but not declaring it) and test_jsp.java 
which contains the combined content of test.jsp and test2.jsp. I've flagged that JspC 
should compile the generated source files with the compile="true" attribute, I 
discovered this through looking at the Javadocs.

My gut feel is that JspC should remove any Java source files that represent 
JSPs that cannot be run standalone, e.g. test2.jsp, as its final step before 
completing thus leaving only Java source files that can be compiled.

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