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Philippe Couas wrote:
> I want install ajax4jsf samples on my Tomcat server 4.1.34 and I have
> following error messages:


> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

This just means that you tried to use log4j before it was configured. If
you eventually configure it, then you'll get log4j output in the file
(or wherever) that you configured. You might want to check where you
configure log4j to see if you can do it earlier in the webapp's lifecycle.

> Catalina.start: LifecycleException:  Erreur de démarrage du contexte 
> suite aux erreurs précédentes 

This is a generic error that shouldn't be caused by the log4j message
above. Log4j will silently (other than the message above) ignore any
missing configuration and your application will simply not log anything
(unless you configure log4j later on at some point). There must have
been some other error.

Look in catalina.out or the log file for your application to see if
there are any stack traces like this one, which I think was taken
completely out of context:

> (org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener).

(It was between log4j WARN messages, which seems strange)

- -chris
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