There are probably required elements that are not present. The DTD/XLS could
specify elements as being required and you can get an error during
validation in processing the Resource tag. You may not be able to create an
empty resource element or there are attributes that are required. Try
modifying your resource to something more like:

  <Resource auth="Container" description="User database that can be updated
and saved" name="UserDatabase" type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase" />

My simple guess would be that it is trying to invoce a method on a class
defined in the "type" attribute. You are not providing one so it would be a
null argument. I'd have to dig in code to see for sure but it may not
protect against that because a resource without a class to manage it, makes
no sense at all.

Robert S. Harper
Senior Engineer
Information Access Technology, Inc.
1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411
(801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
FAX (801)265-8880

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-----Original Message-----
From: Pete [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 12:05 PM
Subject: XML Parse problem in a webapp context.xml

Hello all,

I've searched high and low before posting tried every test I could think of
before posting here... This problem seems too simple to be a bug, but can't
find a method of resolving it.
I decided to skip the port of our application (ran fine on WAS 6 - JVM 1.5)
that was that originated the problem and boiled it down to a WAR with 1
servlet that attempts to do a JNDI lookup to get a datasource. (This test
web app works in WAS)  Condensed details below.

I hope someone can shed light on what is going on, thanks!

The details:
-Tomcat 6 - JVM 1.5
-WAR file created in Rational 6
-App does DB2 lookups (not even concerned about the code itsel yet)
-Resources defined correctly in WEB-INF/web.xml (auto generated by Rational
-Added META-INF/context.xml
-Added <WatchedResource>META-INF/context.xml</WatchedResource> in
-Automatic loading of app generates: conf/Catalina/localhost/TestWeb.xml

- It looks like the parsing problem is in web.xml (from below error), but I
could not find
anything wrong there. I did not modify conf/web.xml and WEB-INF/web.xml
is auto generated. So I started looking in TestWeb.xml and simplified
it. Seems anything that I put in that file fails other than just: (no more
errors in log file)

These even fail:
-    <Context><Resource /></Context>
-    <Context><Resource name="test"/></Context>
-   Also had all details in the Context tag for the app and Resource tag as
described in the documentation for DataSources (incl. DB2 datasources)

I also tried putting the Resource definition in:
  -GlobalResources block of server.xml

-The error generated is: (from catalina*.log)
FINE: Processing context [/TestWeb] configuration file C:\Program
Files\Apache Software Foundation\T
omcat 6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\TestWeb.xml null
Jan 26, 2007 12:13:17 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester endElement
SEVERE: End event threw exception
        at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Rule.end(
        ... 47 more
Jan 26, 2007 12:13:17 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig
SEVERE: Parse error in default web.xml

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