Yes I was, I ended up using mod_proxy, it was much easier, but thanks

On 1/25/07, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I assume you are using version 1.2.20. Increase you JkLogLevel to debug
and check in the mod_jk log file, if mod_jk succeeds in matching your
request url to your configured JkMounts.

Víctor Fragoso schrieb:
> Hi there, I've been trying to configure my apache2 and tomcat5.5 in
> order to
> work together. It works, when I point to http://mysite/index.jsp it
> then I need
> to use VirtualHost. I edited the vhosts file, and server.xml, and I got
> this:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access / on this server.
> Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use
> ErrorDocument to handle the request.
> ------------------------------
> Apache Server at Port 80
> VirtualHost
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>     ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     DocumentRoot /var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/
>     ServerName
>     ServerAlias
>     ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
>     CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ common
>     Alias / "/var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/"
>     <Directory "/var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/">
>        Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks
>        AllowOverride None
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>     </Directory>
>     jkMount /*.jsp ajp13
>     jkMount /servlet/* ajp13
>      <Location "/">
>        AllowOverride None
>        deny from all
>      </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> And my application in tomcat is working fine, I know that cuz' I pointed
> :8080 port and ask for it, and it worked. I set this in my server.xml
> <Host name=""
>            appBase="/var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/"
>            autoDeploy="true">
>        <Alias></Alias>
>        <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig"
>                  directoryName="public_html"
>                  userClass="
> "/>
>      </Host>
> I hope to hear from u soon, Thanks!

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Víctor Manuel Fragoso Rojas
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