Hi All,

I would like to have my servlet throw an exception when a certain problem occurs, and use an error-page definition to display an appropriate error page:


This works fine. However I get an ERROR-level log message for each exception thrown:

2007-01-31 17:48:01,875 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/workbench].[proxy]] Servlet.service() for servlet proxy threw exception
at au.com.nti.tns.workbench.sitemesh.SiteMeshProxyServlet.execute(SiteMeshProxyServlet.java:168) at au.com.nti.tns.workbench.sitemesh.SiteMeshProxyServlet.doGet(SiteMeshProxyServlet.java:67)
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:697)

(NB: the servlet in question is called "proxy", the webapp is "/workbench").

I would like to avoid this ERROR in the logs, but do not want to set logging to FATAL for the category "org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase" if I can avoid it. Perhaps there is some config option that can be set, or maybe I should make my custom exception subclass a special value?

It seems rather odd that even though I have an error-page declaration explicitly handling this exception type that an ERROR is still logged.

And yes I could use an http "error code" rather than throwing an exception, but I want to pass additional data through to the error page from the servlet, and embedding it in the thrown exception seems the most natural implementation.

I have searched the catalina source but cannot find where this exception is being logged from. Googling this error message and searching the email forums turned up nothing either.

I am using JBoss 4.0.5 which includes tomcat 5.5.20.

Thanks in advance,


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