JNeuhoff wrote:
The same here. Most of the static content (such as *.png) is being served by
the Apache frontend, and only requests for to our web service are configured
with the ProxPass directives. I had to use the ProxyPassReverse, too:

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /ohpr/ http://localhost:8080/ohpr/
 /ohpr/ http://localhost:8080/ohpr/

It is slightly slower than mod_jk, but doesn't develop the un-recoverable
TCP Connections Aborted conditions so easily on Windows 2003 as mod_jk does,

LOL. Can you put some money on that statement?
The http proxy is at least 2 times slower the mod_jk.

Reasons for that (major) are:
1. http needs to reconnect for each request
2. AJP is binary http protocol, so it saves the
   network bandwith up to 20%


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