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Steve Ingraham wrote:
> I have to say that your recommended query was the advice that helped
> more than anything else.  I ultimately have been trying to figure out
> how the NO ASSIGNMENT data was returning in hopes of figuring out how to
> query for these records in the database.  Your select statement was just
> what I needed to jumpstart my brain.

Well, just make sure that I know what I'm talking about. You gave very
few details about the structure of your database. I don't want to have
given you completely incorrect advice... based upon database schemas and
possible foreign keys, etc. you ought to be able to piece together what
it means to have "no assignment" and then simply rely on the database to
determine that.

Your webapp is likely doing the same thing, just with much more
complexity (since that notion probably goes through at least one level
of data objects and some type of HTML generation).

> When I
> wrote the SQL query in the MySQL Query Browser (with the appropriate
> table names of course) I got the returns I needed.

So, CR is being a pain in your neck? Try a simpler query. Perhaps CR is
trying to do too many thing automatically (such as interpreting the use
of LEFT OUTER JOIN) and you need to help it along a little more.

Good luck,
- -chris
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