> Uhhh - no.  The JVM will not return an OOME until the GC 
> is completely finished and the request still cannot be 
> satisfied.  Even with concurrent GC, failing allocation 
> requests are suspended until a full GC has completed.  
> The exception to the above is if a request is made that 
> could never be satisfied; that will be given an OOME 
> immediately.

This is very helpful to know.  So if after receiving such OOMEs, I run jmap
-heap and there is plenty of memory, I'm assuming that whomever was sucking
up the memory has either given it back or died off - right?

(The dying off would line up with fact that the number of processors tomcat
says he's started is less than the number of threads I currently see

Now it's down to how do I catch the culprit? 

Since I don't see steady memory growth, I believe that there must be some
error condition that is handled improperly that throws us into some sort of
memory cosumption craziness.  Since by the time the symptom is present,
there is plenty of memory available, I'm having trouble catching the case.
Any suggestions?

>> After an OOM is thrown, the JVM is basically completely hosed.

> Definitely not true.  The JVM is still functional, although the app 
> (Tomcat, in this case) may not be able to proceed.

This also lines up with my observations. The first several OOMEs don't seem
to trip us up, however at some point we hit a threshold that does hose us.

Given that after such an error occurs, we have plently of memory, and plenty
of threads sitting in await(), any ideas on why the connections to apache
end up in SYN_RECV? Am I right in thinking that this indicates that the
tomcat listener thread has accepted the connection but then fails to pass it
off to a processor thread to handle?  Or does the pass off happen but for
some reason the socket is hosed?  Any thoughts here?

> > If so, how do we combat this behavior?
> Fix resource leaks, allocate an appropriate amount of memory,
> and limit resource use to avoid OOMs in the first place.

> However, the 64m given to the PermGen is rather small for an app server.

We don't seem to ever get to a usage of > 20M for PermGen, and the
OutOfMemoryErrors always indicate "java heap space".  Is this error message
reliable? Can I count on the fact that it's really heap space I'm out of
(I've seen reports of this indicating other problems, but all seem to be
pre-1.5 jvm).

Thanks for the help thus far!

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