
I am using Apache 2.0.59 and Tomcat 5.0.28 with mod_jk 1.2.20 on Windows
2003 SP1 but the system have some issue on the socket layer. In fact, after
some time, some users are able to crash our architecture: apache answers to
request such as *.html but mod_jk says it cannot connect to tomcat. Even a
restart of services doesn't change anythink. Tomcat is running and answer
for simple "hello world" jsp pages but cannot answer to /manage/html.

I have exacltly the same error logs and thread dumps as you are.

I patch windows with KB 931311 and it seems to work properly.

JNeuhoff wrote:
> I have just managed to repeat the error. 2 of us, from 2 different
> workstations, hammered our website for a minute, by rapidly clicking on
> links within the same site before it ended up always responding with a
> standard Error 503 (Service unavailable) coming from the Apache frontend.
> I checked all the log files, and again the only errors recorded were found
> in the mod_jk.log:
> ....
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2392] [info]  mod_jk.c (2142): Service
> error=0 for worker=ajp13
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2388] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (948):
> (ajp13) can't receive the response message from tomcat, network problems
> or tomcat is down (, err=-53
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2388] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1566):
> (ajp13) Tomcat is down or refused connection. No response has been sent to
> the client (yet)
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2388] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1877):
> (ajp13) receiving from tomcat failed, recoverable operation attempt=1
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2388] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1916):
> (ajp13) sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation attempt=2
> [Fri Jan 19 11:34:42 2007] [0404:2388] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1928):
> (ajp13) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is
> listening on the wrong port
> ....
> The 2 connections between Apache and Tomcat according the the netstat -a
> command just after the web server started the 503 (Service unavilable)
> responses (hightlighted in bold):
>   Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:epmap         DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:microsoft-ds  DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:1078          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:3389          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8009          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8080          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:10000         DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2093          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:8009  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2110          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:8009  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8005          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:netbios-ssn   DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2076          daohprp2.essex.ac.uk:3306  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2077          daohprp2.essex.ac.uk:microsoft-ds 
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2176          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:epmap  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2177          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:1025  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2181          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:microsoft-ds 
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2194          sernt50.essex.ac.uk:epmap  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2204          sernt5.essex.ac.uk:epmap  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2215          sernt25.essex.ac.uk:epmap  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2230          dalinux6a.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn 
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2250          sernt2.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2253          bodger.essex.ac.uk:microsoft-ds  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:http          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:http          daohpr1.essex.ac.uk:1528  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:http          daohpr2.essex.ac.uk:1936  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:netbios-ssn   DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2232          sernt23.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2237          sernt9.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2245          serlx08.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2249          sernt2.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2261          sernt23.essex.ac.uk:netbios-ssn  TIME_WAIT
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:3389          daohpr1.essex.ac.uk:1533  ESTABLISHED
> Half another later, long after the connection_pool_timeout,
> connect_timeout and prepost_timeout, the netstat -a  command still shows
> this:
>   Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:epmap         DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:microsoft-ds  DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:1078          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:3389          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8009          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8080          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:10000         DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:8005          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:netbios-ssn   DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2076          daohprp2.essex.ac.uk:3306  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2754          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:microsoft-ds 
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2782          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:epmap  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:2783          sernt29.essex.ac.uk:1025  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:http          DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:netbios-ssn   DAOHPRW2.essex.ac.uk:0  LISTENING
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:microsoft-ds  daohpr1.essex.ac.uk:1541  ESTABLISHED
>   TCP    DAOHPRW2:3389          daohpr1.essex.ac.uk:1533  ESTABLISHED
> Yet if I then try again to access the web service running on Tomcat,
> mod_jk fails to re-establish a connection, according to the mod_jk.log:
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:51 2007] [0404:2404] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (948):
> (ajp13) can't receive the response message from tomcat, network problems
> or tomcat is down (, err=-53
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:51 2007] [0404:2404] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1566):
> (ajp13) Tomcat is down or refused connection. No response has been sent to
> the client (yet)
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:51 2007] [0404:2404] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1877):
> (ajp13) receiving from tomcat failed, recoverable operation attempt=0
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:51 2007] [0404:2404] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1916):
> (ajp13) sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation attempt=1
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (948):
> (ajp13) can't receive the response message from tomcat, network problems
> or tomcat is down (, err=-53
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1566):
> (ajp13) Tomcat is down or refused connection. No response has been sent to
> the client (yet)
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1877):
> (ajp13) receiving from tomcat failed, recoverable operation attempt=1
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [info]  jk_ajp_common.c (1916):
> (ajp13) sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation attempt=2
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1928):
> (ajp13) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is
> listening on the wrong port
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] ajp13 daohprw2-a 0.281333 GET /ohpr/servlet/
> HTTP/1.1 200
> [Fri Jan 19 12:50:52 2007] [0404:2404] [info]  mod_jk.c (2142): Service
> error=0 for worker=ajp13
> Only Apache continues to respond with a standard 503 error according to
> its access.log:
> daohpr1.essex.ac.uk - - [19/Jan/2007:12:50:51 +0000] "GET /ohpr/servlet/
> HTTP/1.1" 503 1101 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
> rv: Gecko/20061206 Firefox/"
> In short: There were only 2 established connections, Tomcat was running
> all the time, and, as expected, only saw 2 active HTTPSessions, yet the
> rapid hammering on weblinks within the website somehow blocked the
> connections between Apache and Tomcat. And now Tomcat keeps just listening
> on port 8009, but mod_jk is unable to establish any TCP connections
> between Apache and Tomcat. Only a complete server machine re-boot gets
> things back to normal.
> Any ideas what might have gone wrong? I am still using this
> workers.properties:
> # Define 1 real worker using ajp13
> worker.list=ajp13
> # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)
> worker.ajp13.type=ajp13
> worker.ajp13.host=localhost
> worker.ajp13.port=8009
> worker.ajp13.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.ajp13.connection_pool_minsize=10
> worker.ajp13.connect_timeout=15000
> worker.ajp13.prepost_timeout=10000
> Regards
> Juergen Neuhoff

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