Mladen Turk <mladen.turk <at>> writes:

> Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
> > We have a problem with lost submissions in a loadbalanced (mod_jk) webapp 
> > and
> > think these errors are related - what causes error number 11 and what can be
> > done about it?
> > 
> This is correct behavior if Tomcat closes the connection (for example
> you restart Tomcat or you have connectionTimeout for AJP connector).
> The 4 info messages simply state that mod_jk:
> 1. Detects the existing connection is not connected any more
> 2. It will try another free socket in the connection pool
> 3. None valid free sockets has been found
> 4. Reconnect to Tomcat
> If you wish to get rid of those lines increase JkLogLevel to error
> Regards,
> Mladen.

But say we have a survey webapp (users fill in a form) and the following
scenario occurs:
1) user goes to /survey/favoritemusic/ that sets a cookie upon new user landing
on the webpage 
2) the user starts filling out the form
3) tomcat connection expires/ends 
4) mod_jk connects to new loadbalanced worker on a different app server
5) user finishes survey and clicks SUBMIT
6) survey code checks the session cookie and finds it missing due to 3,4 above
7) survey code chucks the users responses as suspected spam (false positive)

How do we prevent #7 ?
Can we manage this with mod_jk settings?
(mod_jk 1.2.19

Many Thanks!

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