> > Lest I find myself being chastised for asking my questions on the 
> > "wrong" list should I be subscribing to the User, 
> Developer, Commits 
> > or the Issues list?
> Ask on the Users list.  (The dev list is for discussion about 
> developing the Struts framework itself.  Commits and Issues 
> are read-only, for Subversion and JIRA notifications.)
> Fair warning, a lot of the discussion is about Struts 2 now, 
> so make sure to mention what version you're using.
> (If you're not sure, and there is no version number in the 
> filename, (i.e., struts-1.2.9.jar,) then look inside 
> WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar (or possibly struts-core.jar) and 
> examine the contents of the MANIFEST.MF file.  You can open 
> .jar files with WinZip or the command line
> equivalent.)
> -- 
> Wendy

Ok, thanks I will subscribe to the users list.  And thank you for the
info on finding the version.  That is information that I would have been
struggling to locate.  I have actually come across that MANIFEST.MF file
but did not look inside it.


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