Stefan wrote:
Christopher Schultz schrieb:
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Stefan wrote:
Christopher Schultz schrieb:
Compare this to XSLT. If you want a stylesheet to emit an '&', don't you
use &? And if you want to emit '&' you have to double it. I
don't see the difference, and I think that the OP is being
unreasonable ;)
  Not in my xslt ;-) It depends of the output method. If you output xml,
& still gets & It is meanless to create a not well formed xml. I
don't remember what the output method text or html makes.

Fair enough. When you put "&" into your XSLT, the processor sees it
as "entity:amp". When you write that out, the exact display depends on
the output format. If it's emitting XML (or XHTML), you get "&"
right back out.

But, if you're outputting HTML (?) or text (definitely), then you get
'&'. If you want to emit "&" in text mode, you'll definitely have to
double-up the amps.

The problem is that JSPX is not XSLT. It's really JSP with some extra
junk thrown in. Fortunately for me, I don't have to use it ;)
Yes, I start to understand the ins and outs. Perhaps the spec writers just could not imagine, that someone will use jspx to do what it is great for, to produce xml ;-) So I'll go for my filter and wait for future jsp specs which will include something like <jsp:output preserve-xml-entities="true" /> or <jsp:output-method="xml" /> Similar directives for omitting XML declarations etc. are already included.

i'll weigh in late with this thread...

how then do i differentiate an ampersand that i need to process in the source document?

in general there are 2 use cases for ampersands in xml generating xml docs:

1. xml source doc needs to process/contain an ampersand
2. xml generated doc needs to process/contain an ampersand

the solution that the spec implements is double encoding in the source document - and it makes complete sense if you consider the two cases above; even if it doesn't make immediate, intuitive sense to an end user who is moving from the JSP to JSP Document format and who is only considering the 2nd case.

the JSP document format has some strengths but also some practical weaknesses which is probably why it's adoption hasn't been as widespread...


- -chris
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