En l'instant précis du 02/15/07 12:40, Michal Glowacki s'exprimait en
ces termes:
> Hi 
> I'm quite new to Jboss/Tomcat, so please forgive me if my questions are 
> without sense... 
> I have created a JSF application that uses EJB. It deploys successfully, but 
> the thing that concerns me is: 
Which version of EJB. Local EJB of remote EJB? With or without security?
EJBs have the bad reputation to be slow, and cubersome to develop
(probably improved in version 3, this was an aim at sun)
> When I go to any page (locally, e.g. localhost:8080/Test/faces/Page1.jsp) I 
> can see in jboss console that nothing happens for some time. No processing, 
> page generation, nothing. What is that? It takes even few seconds and then 
> the whole page appears. I'm still at development phase, but it concerns me 
> already. Second thing is that makes development harder, when I've to wait for 
> page to be loaded each time. I am very concerned what could happen when I 
> will finish and many people will come to the page at once... 
Looks like a remote EJB connection attempt that is failing.
Apart from EJB, several things can slow down your page generation

1) JSF servlet startup, that may take a few seconds and occurs at first
jsf operation after webapp startup
2) JSP compilation, which occurs if your jsp did change
3) JSP initialisation, which occur during first access of JSP, after
compilation, like any other servlet. Depending on how much taglibs are
referenced, and complexity of JSP, this can take a bit of time too.
4) The operations you do inside your JSF backing beans

> Please give me a hint what to do, or at least where to start/search. 
> Thank you in advance, 
> Michal 

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