You don't need to tell tomcat to look in WEB-INF/lib/*.jar.  Tomcat does
that automatically per spec.  I'm guessing there is something wrong with
the way your jar was created or a permissions problem.

Try testing the jar with

$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar tf whatever.jar
(linux/maxos syntax)
%JAVA_HOME\bin\jar tf whatever.jar
(windows syntax)

to be sure it's valid.  The command above lists all the files in the jar
file.  Then be sure permissions are set so the user tomcat runs as can
read it.  One last thing to look for is any errors further up in the
logs above the class not found exception.


aladdin wrote:

>Thanks for the tip!
>I don't think I'd have a conflict with all the classes in my application.  
>Although some of my classes have common names, like (compiled,
>of course, to user.class), they are all member of just one of three packages:
>infoisland, dbMgr, and utils, so I don't think the names are colliding.  
>Loading the app bombs out as tomcat is loading when it can't find my filter,
>CheckUser (makes sure users are logged in), which is in the infoIsland 
>However, your comment is telling: "WEB-INF itself is not checked or scanned
>for .jar files at all."  So, if I make sure the WEB-INF/classes subdirectory 
>is empty, how do I tell tomcat to go get classes out of the 
>WEB-INF/lib/whatever.jar file?
>On Sunday 18 February 2007 20:05, David Smith wrote:
>>It should be noted there are only a couple of places .jar files are
>>allowed in tomcat:
>>1. WEB-INF/lib
>>2. common/lib of the tomcat installation directory
>>WEB-INF itself is not checked or scanned for .jar files at all.  In
>>addition, any files in the classes directory will override their
>>equivalent in the lib directory.  This occurs regardless of it being in
>>WEB-INF/classes or common/classes
>>As to the issue below, are you sure you don't have similar classes (in
>>name and package) in both common/lib and WEB-INF/lib?  Seems like
>>there's a classloader issue at work here.  Take a look at the
>>classloader howto at
>>  It
>>might offer some ideas.
>>aladdin wrote:
>>>When I put my webapp.jar file in the WEB-INF directory, it doesn't find
>>>the app.  When I exploded it into the classes directory, and associated
>>>subdirectories, they are found fine, but I get this problem (the one
>>>This, it turns out, is triggered by the fact I have the webapp.jar file
>>>in the lib directory and all the classes unpacked in the classes
>>>directory (both under WEB-INF, of course).  Getting rid of the webapp.jar
>>>file in the lib directory solves the problem below, but now tomcat won't
>>>use that the jar file in the lib directory, even though when it's
>>>unpacked in the classes directory, he seems perfectly happy.  Is there
>>>some magic I need for tomcat to use .jar files in the WEB-INF/lib
>>>directory, like an entry in web.xml or server.xml?
>>>On Friday 16 February 2007 22:52, aladdin wrote:
>>>>I was getting a message like "SEVERE PersistenceManager persistence not
>>>>enabled", or something like that (I don't remember) so I disabled
>>>>(commented out) the Manager tag in server.xml that configured the
>>>>PersistenceManager. Now, I'm getting
>>>>Feb 16, 2007 9:26:34 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
>>>>modified INFO:     Additional JARs have been added
>>>>Feb 16, 2007 9:26:34 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
>>>>INFO: Reloading this Context has started
>>>>over and over in the log files.  Anyone know what's causing this?  I
>>>>thought maybe tomcat was restarting, but the PID doesn't change.  It
>>>>seems to work, but it's filling up my log files.

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