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FuzzyNavel wrote:

> Except for the operating system, the rest of the
> environment is the same:
> Tomcat 5.0.24
> Java 1.4.2_05 (for the Java Beans)
> Internet Explorer 5.50

How did you get MSIE running on Linux?

> In
> the development environment, the window opens perfectly and contains all the
> information expected.  However, when I execute the same function on the
> deployment server, I seem to lose the session information as the user is
> presented with a login screen in the new browser window.

Are you using cookie-based or URL-based session id passing between the
server and the browser?

> And to add insult
> to injury, the user is not able to log into the new window as they are
> informed that their login failed!  As a matter of fact, NO user that is in
> the security role for the website is able to login.  It's MADDENING!!!  Why
> is this happening?

Uh... is it possible that your popup is statically referring to the
development environment? That would explain the session drop (you're
hitting the wrong server) and the fact that nobody can login (because
it's probably a separate authentication database).

> Is there a setting that I have overlooked that I need to change in the
> deployment descriptor for my application (or Tomcat itself) that is
> different when executed from Linux as opposed to SunOS?  

Tomcat should behave the same way on all OSs (especially when they are
both *NIX's).

- -chris
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