
I'm using Tomcat 5.5.20, JVM 1.5 on Linux, though I can replicate the problem using 5.5.9, JVM 1.4 on FreeBSD.

Ultimately what I want to do is quite simple: display a build number in the footer of some JSP pages. I'm using Ant's 'buildnumber' task to increment the build number at each compile, and I am adding a global 'Implementation-Version' property to the manifest file when constructing the WAR. The web application then uses getImplementationVersion() on some member package in an attempt to retrieve the build number---it shouldn't even matter which package, since the property in the manifest file is not in any named section, and thus constitutes the default. getImplementationVersion() consistently returns null, however---I assume it just can't seem to find the manifest file within the WAR structure.

I can certainly post some code, but I don't think it will help---I can manually create a simple JAR (that is, without the web application directory structure), and the same class will extract the value from the manifest file as intended.

Is this a known difficulty with the web application archive structure, and if so, is there a work-around? (I've searched extensively for an answer, and all I've found are mentions of the problem.)


w  http://logicsquad.net/
h  http://paul.hoadley.name/

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