hi Chris,

thanks for all your information! you've been helpful.. do I trust you?? ..hhmm.. :-)

anyway, my problem was solved by using the SetEnvIfNoCase directive. The main reason i needed an updated jk was for the jkUnMount exclusions.. another post on here pointed me to SetEnvIf - which allowed me the JK mount exclusions I needed..

So now I have tomcat serving servlets, jsps, etc.. and apache taking care of statics and php's.. awesome!

Also, FYI- I stumbled on this link--> http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php/ModJk --which had some great ways to get mod_jk compiled.. in addition to the fast path, it talked about using commands like "up2date -i httpd-devel" to get the latest apxs.. and such..

..its a really good read.. so keep that link in your toolbox. thanks again,


Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1


mike spisak wrote:
...I've spun on this long enough..  how easy is the apache upgrade to
2.0.58?  ..i may want to take you up on the binary offer..

Well, it depends on how you have to install the server itself. If you
have to do something weird within your plesk environment, then you might
just end up with a broken 2.0.58 environment (in which case, I can give
you a binary, but can you really trust me? ;)

On the other hand, if you just download the source package and compile
and install it "as usual", then you should end up with a proper copy of
apxs and you'll be able to build mod_jk no problem.

- -chris

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