You may want to limit your question to one topic at a time. I've read
through your post and it is difficult to tell what your real problem is. The
networking issue, I assume you've already been informed, doesn't belong to
the mailing list. Tomcat/Apache/PHP can all work together depending on how
you send up your application. Apache's mod_jk is how you make Apache and
tomcat work together.  If you create an app that uses both Tomcat(jsp) and
PHP then you'll have to manage two separate sessions, though that shouldn't
be terribly difficult to do. Tomcat is configured to run on 8080 by default
you can change that to 80 by editing the server.xml file. All http traffic
that doesn't specify a port automatically go to 80. To access your computer
from the Internet you'll need to first open the port on your router or
remove the computer you want to access from the router's DMZ (not
recommended). Make sure you use your actual IP which you can determine by
typing "what's my IP "  on google and following the first link.

Hope this helps.

On 3/3/07, Wayne Bragg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chuck, I can't begin to thank you enough for you reply. I know some of
these questions are borderline inappropriate for this mailing-list subject
but they, at least loosely, apply. My newbism is defiantly showing.

First, the idiot I am I didn't realize port 80 was 80 and 8080 was 8080. I
thought they somehow referred to the same port, du! That explains allot of
my confusion!

With that said

>What happens if you try http://wan-ip:8080/chat-demo?  Without the port
>number, you're sending the URL to something other than Tomcat that's
>listening on port 80.

this is where the confusion starts.

Your telling me to send the URL to
but then you say
"you're sending the URL to something other than Tomcat that's listening on
port 80"
Here I go getting confused again, what is it 80 or 8080? Or was that just
a slip on your part? I'm going to assume the latter unless you tell me

Either way, I get "page not found" if I use anything other than
http://localhost:8080/chat-demo which works perfectly or I can get to it
at least run the page with  http://wan-ip/chat-demo because I have an
"Alias /chat-demo" in Apache config serving on port 80, but that's when I
get the "Chat is not defined" error.

I though maybe my provider was blocking port 8080 so I even tried
http://localhost:7077/chat-demo which my router is redirecting to 8080.
That is what I have to do for Apache and that's what I was talking about
when I said
> A couple of things worth noting. I'm pretty sure my (cable)
> access provider is blocking 80 so I am forwarding ext. 7075
ext. =  web browser pointing to port 7075 and
> to int. 80 with Apache still running on 80.
int = router redirect to port 80.
I was referring to my router redirecting port 7075 to port 80.

So if I am understanding this correctly I am not getting through to the
Tomcat server from the WAN. I also can't get through to Tomcat using
I can only get through using localhost:8080. I checked XP firewall and
have 7077 port (redirected to 8080) opened. Any idea why I cant get to it?

><script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/engine.js'></script>
><script type='text/javascript'
><script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/util.js'></script>
> Also, where are these files?
"They're part of the app, nothing to do with Tomcat itself."

I realize that they are part of the app. This question was because I
though maybe something to do with the paths to them was causing the error.
That's because I am not to familiar (yet) with the file/directory
structure regarding Tomcat apps directory and was able to find
><script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/engine.js'></script>
><script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/util.js'></script>
but not
><script type='text/javascript'
which is why I said
>If they are in the dwr.jar file then I am beginning to understand the
>except the  "src='/chat-demo/dwr/interface/Chat.js'" file isn't in that
>If it is in the chat.class file then I think I am really beginning to
understand the organization.

If this is correct then it still leads me back to I'm not getting through
to Tomcat from WAN or for some reason using my computer-name either.

> My Configuration:
> Windows XP Pro
> Web[Developer] Server Suite 1.94
> standard installation
> ASP,MYSQL,PHP (not cgi) and Tomcat5
> All are working correctly.

"If that were really true, would you be asking questions here?"

What I meant is they are all working correctly independently so to speak.
They may even be working perfectly but not configured correctly to allow
PHP, MySQL, ASP and Java to work on the same page at the same time which is
what I am ultimately trying to accomplish.

"Is it your router doing the forwarding?  If so, external users will need
to append
:7075 to the host name or IP address to get requests delivered to
whatever is listening on port 80."

Yes it's the router doing the forwarding. I
got that and knew that. Sorry I explained it poorly.

If you mean httpd when you say "Apache",
Yes, I realize Apache Org develops both Tomcat and httpd and I was
referring to httpd when I was saying Apache (which most people do).
Again sorry for the incorrect reference.

> Can you not run Tomcat apps from the WAN?
"Of course you can.  Many sites use Tomcat in all sorts of environments."

That answers that question, thanks.

> What am I missing?

"Some basic education on TCP/IP and a little history, I expect.  For many
years, Tomcat was not terribly efficient at delivering static content,
so it was often front-ended with httpd, listening on port 80.  The http
server would be configured to forward servlet and .jip requests to
Tomcat on port 8080, and handle the rest itself.  These days, Tomcat is
quite adequate for handling static content, and httpd merely gets in the
way (unless you want to do other things with it, such as load-balancing
or PHP).  To run a stand-alone Tomcat, people normally set it up to
listen on port 80, thereby avoiding the need for users to explicitly
enter a port number in each URL."

This goes to the heart of the matter.
I have apps that rely heavily on PHP and MySql. I've read (see I do read,
ha!) that " front-ending with httpd" is what I want to do. I know I can even
get Tomcat to handle the PHP and MySql but that is going to require
significant porting  to my apps.
Can I do both "front-ending with httpd" and add the appropriate PHP/MySql
classes and/or .jars to Tomcat therefore having both ways available?
Do you know if my "DEFAULT" Tomcat and hpptd setup from is
setup front-ending with httpd or separate?

And again, I'm not getting through to Tomcat from WAN or for some reason
using my computer-name either. Any idea why?

Apologies for long being winded and for the previous posts naivety and
misstated acronyms and thanks again for replying to my email.
You have help answer some of my uneducated question.


"talk trash and carry a small stick."

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