We have encountered issues with deploying unpacked war files on Windows
platforms: when redeploying webapps tomcat fails to clear out the unpacked
directory because windows locks some jar files.  There is a
"antiResourceLocking" workaround but we decided to work with packed war
files in the end

-----Original Message-----
From: Morris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 March 2007 01:35
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: unpackWARs Pros and Cons

Jim Goodspeed wrote:
> Are there any pros and cons running unpackWARs one way or another?  It 
> seems like keeping unpackWARs="false" might be a little cleaner (not 
> having to remove expanded directories when deploying a new war file), 
> but I wasn't sure if there were any performance hits associated with 
> running this set to false.

I've been running with packed WARs for a while, and just ran into an issue
with Spring's log4jContextListener.  It demands that the war be unpacked so
it can reference the application root as an absolute pathname.  Tsk!

I agree that leaving them packed is neater, and I like not having to worry
about stale files in an exploded app directory, but I'm careful to delete
the exploded directory most of the time anyway.

Having them unpacked should have a slight performance advantage because the
files don't have to be searched and unpacked from the WAR when they're

Best regards,
Morris Jones
Monrovia, CA
Old Town Astronomers: http://www.otastro.org

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