The path attribute only works in server.xml. It is ignored in all
other cases. Also, it is not recommended to define contexts in
server.xml since you have to restart Tomcat to pick up any changes.

I am putting this in server.xml inside the relevant host. Not fussed
about reloads. Mostly I serve a bunch of generated JSP's from various

Here's the host setup:

<Host name="" debug="0" appBase="c:/wwwroot/path/"
      unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
      xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
   <Context path="" docBase="." debug="0" privileged="true"/>

This is what's not working. Additionally, If I do set the docBase to
something else then it serves paths under the root relative to the
appBase, not the docBase. If I leave it there with a . for the docBase
then it fails on <@include as it thinks / is relative to the current
directory and not the docBase.

Am I no longer able to configure Tomcat this way?

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