I can't figure out why you need to extend a JaasRealm ?
This class "lives" in the server classloader, therein it cannot be and
should definitivly never be accessed from your webapp.
I think that you missunderstand the way to use the JaasRealm. Please look at
my previous post (today) and tell me if it's clear enougth.


On 2/13/07, Stefan Lecho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


In our project we are using a class that extends JAASRealm. This class is
deployed in Tomcat 5.5.20.

When accessing this class, an exception is generated:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/catalina/realm/JAASRealm. By
copying catalina-optional.jar from server\lib to common\lib, the original
exception is no longer generated, but other exceptions are generated.
In order to remove all generated exceptions, I am obliged to copy the
following jars from server\lib to common\lib: catalina.jar,
catalina-cluster.jar, catalina-optional.jar, catalina-storeconfig.jar,
commons-modeler.jar, tomcat-ajp.jar, tomcat-coyote.jar, tomcat-http.jarand

Is there another - cleaner - solution to make JAASRealm-derived classes
in Tomcat 5.5.20 ?

Regards, Stefan Lecho.

"Souviens-toi qu'au moment de ta naissance tout le monde était dans la joie
et toi dans les pleurs.
Vis de manière qu'au moment de ta mort, tout le monde soit dans les pleurs
et toi dans la joie."

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