At 15:33 3/12/2007, you wrote:
> Anyway - I answered my own question.
> I wrote a test, Keep Alive works fine with chunked content.

So... what was the problem? For days you've been railing against Tomcat
for not supporting this properly. Is there something that you overlooked?

- -chris

Partly too much caffeine, too little sleep, and too much pressure :) I went out on a limb with only partial knowledge to specify Tomcat as a great solution to not having to write from scratch a server side application management and request routing system (that is what Tomcat is) - and I have had to get test modules of all the glue pieces working so the other people involved can start working. I am now highly content with that decision.

I hope I didn't rail against tomcat too much on this thread, the reason I'm here is I respect it. I only wanted someone to say yes or no to whether it supported KeepAlive with chunked posts or not and wondered if I was doing something stupid causing it to disconnect. And yes, I was overly distracted and irritated by "noise" like "why would you want to do that" etc, Knowing this was all added to HTTP1.1 for a lot of good reasons, to support exactly what we are doing.

If I were a diplomat we'd probably all be in a nuclear fallout zone :)

As for why it didn't work, I was dealing with some related things:

For "not detecting terminal chunk" from a client.

The client must send the *complete* sequence for the termial chunk:

"\r\n0\r\n\r\n" or tomcat *will* hang and time out attempting to read the last "\r\n" after the last "zero length chunk" of data, and not report "end of file". No one including myself caught this.

Keep alive was related, in it would abort and close the socket if the last "\r\n" after the zero length chunk wasn't present when the next header was written.

Thanks for asking,
Everything works now.

Peter K.

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