
We are running 5.5.17 as a service using JRockit. A couple things to check:

1) if you are using the service.bat to install as a service confirm that the PR_JVM is considering the correct path to the jrockit dll. this should be std in the 5.5.20 service.bat:

rem Set the server jvm from JAVA_HOME
set PR_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
if exist "%PR_JVM%" goto foundJvm
rem Set the client jvm from JAVA_HOME
set PR_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
if exist "%PR_JVM%" goto foundJvm
rem Check for JRockit JVM: Bugzilla 39674
set PR_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\jrockit\jvm.dll
if exist "%PR_JVM%" goto foundJvm
set PR_JVM=auto

2) you might need to add the %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin to the environment PATH. I didn't think we had to do this for Win2003 but it was required for XP.

Hope that helps.

Igor Shevchenko wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm experiencing problems with starting tomcat as a service under Win2003 server with jrockit jvm. > Tomcat version is 5.5.20 and it starts successfully using startup.bat script, but when trying to start it as a service I have the following output in jakarta-service log:
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Running Service...
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Starting service...
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [173 javajni.c] [error] The specified module could not be found. > [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [924 prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java C:\jrockit-R27.1.0-jdk1.5.0_08\jre\bin\jrockit\jvm.dll
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Run service finished.
> [2007-03-12 04:45:48] [info] Procrun finished.
> I've tried googling and reading mailing archives but couldn't find a solution.
> Best regards,
> ---
> Igor Shevchenko

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