You are right, the set-up I've mentioned only works for one application.

Perhaps you want to configure multiple virtual hosts. 

There's an example on that here:'s+Virtual+Hosts

You won't need Apache HTTP connector, just Tomcat is fine I think (not sure).

On MS Windows , configure the hosts in the 
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts , by adding this line: pebble practice

Then configure these two apps in server.xml , as:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="pebble">

<Host name="pebble" appBase="webapps/pebble">
 <Context path="" docBase="C:/dev/projects/pebble" reloadable="true" />
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"/>

<Host name="practice" appBase="webapps/practice">
 <Context path="" docBase="C:/dev/projects/practice" reloadable="true" />
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"/>


Then you'll be able to call 2 different applications on the root context , for 
example http://pebble:8080/   and http://practice:8080/  , you might be 
able to do something similiar on Unix, and also might be able to change the 
port to 80 , from 8080.  

I give credit to Hassan for explaining the above configuration to me a few 
months ago.

Over here's+Virtual+Hosts
  it also says 
because the above configuration uses name-based virtual hosting, you need to 
have entries in your DNS server for "app1" and "app2" that point to the 
application server


----- Original Message ----
From: John Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:41:40 PM
Subject: Re: How does one configure Plain host domain url to run web app?

Thank you for replying..

This is one webapp among many on this server..  

So if I understand you correctly this will not be possible..

If I have miss understood.. could you clarify..??


Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
> If you place your application as ROOT.war , directly under Tomcat's webapps 
> folder then Tomcat should load it on the root context / 
> But if it's named anything else then it will be at the /<ProjectName>/ 
> context.
> I have mine set-up like this on a clean install of Tomcat 5.5 (with no 
> additional configuration) and the web application loads on the root context.
> If you place an index.jsp directly in the root folder of your project then, 
> that takes care of hiding the directory listing and rendering the home page 
> of your app.
> Also configure welcome-file in your project's web.xml to index.jsp

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