
I have a servlet which connects to a database; once the connection is made I pass a connection object into another class which uses this object to execute queries on the database. When i run the servlet my queries are executed fine, when i try to run the application for a second time my class executing the queries doesn't work - it appears that it doesnt recieve the connection object properly it bombs out at the stage
stmt = conn.createStatement();
I am creating a connention within the inint() method of my servlet.
When i re-start tomcat everything works fine again - this leads me to believe hat i have connection caching issuse. I have set the context param in server.xml to reloadable = true (not sure if this makes any difference)
I am also not using a connection pool to connect to my database.

I am using tomcat v.4.0 with Java 1.4

Any advice is appreciated



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