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Mike Quilleash wrote:
> Does anyone know if there's a method for determining if the Session for
> a user has expired since the last request?

When a request comes in from a user who /did/ have a session, it should
include a session identifier. If the session is timed out, then you'll
forward to the login page, and you will have a session created for you
already (assuming that you are using either container-managed sessions,
or a session management strategy that mirrors the container-managed

You can use this to your advantage by checking the result from calling
request.getRequestedSessionId versus session.getId. If they are
different, then a new session has been created in response to a request
for a dead session.

This is not entirely foolproof, since generally session cookies are
designed to live for as long as the browser is running (the browser's
"session"), and so your user may:

1. login
2. do some stuff
3. leave without logging out
4. comes back the next day to your front page (or login page)

In this case, their browser may send the old cookie and it looks like
they are trying to resume their expired session (as above), but they're
really coming in "fresh".

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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