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Will Holmes wrote:
> I would be going from JDK version 1.4 to 1.5 or later.  So it sounds like
> I will have to generate a CSR for the new JDK version and I will have to
> involve my CA by reissueing the cert.  I am thinking correctly?  So there is
> no way to reuse the keystore with the new JDK version?

The mathematics of encryption have not changed between JDK versions, so
you should be fine. As long as you are using the key format used by the
JDK (which is relatively standard), you should not have any problems.

I believe that Martin was suggesting that if you were switching
providers (say, from BouncyCastle to the Sun-provided implementation)
that you might want to re-do everything from the beginning. While that
may seem easier, there shouldn't be any reason that SSL certs obtained
from one provider would not be usable by another. SSL certs are pretty
standard. About the only think you have to do is make sure that your
keys are in a java-readable keystore (which might not be the case if you
had used another provider, and you'd have to convert).

Since you are going from SSL-enabled-JDK to another SSL-enabled-JDK, the
whole argument is academic: you should not have to do anything, unless
you imported your keys into the your Java installation's system-wide
keystore. In that case, you'll have to either replace the system-wide
keystore that came with your new JDK (which I don't recommend, since it
probably contains updated keys, CAs, etc.), or you'll have to re-import
all your keys into the new system-wide keystore.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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