> > If I place a  logging.properties in my context/WEB-INF/classes I  
> > seem to get the correct logging information in my log file.  
> > However, the output also seems to get the catalina.out. I really  
> > only want it in the context specific. Is there something else to  
> > configure to prevent it going to the catalina.out?
> Changing to log4j doesn't actually answer your question. 

It does not answer to his question but it will be more powerful to use
it was just a tip, not an obligation :-)

>  Can you  
> show us your logging.properties file as you more than likely have the  
> following line;
> java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
> Change it to something like
> java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = SEVERE
> to prevent any message below SEVERE appearing in catalina.out.  Maybe  
> you can use NONE, but I'm not sure if that's valid - anyone?

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