--- "Gioia, Michael"

> Almost every weekend the database gets bumped and
> the java app that were
> running needs to have tomcat restarted to reconnect
> to the database thru
> the connection pool.  When we come in on Monday
> tomcat and the database
> are up and running, but the app will not connect to
> the database.
> Is there a way to reestablish the connection so our
> users don't have to
> wait until we come in on Monday to restart tomcat?

I haven't been following this thread in detail, so I
apologize in advance if I'm repeating anyone's

Have you looked at:

In particular, the 'validataionQuery', 'testOnBorrow',
'testOnReturn', 'testWhileIdle' parameters look
like they would be useful.

Can you supply a redacted copy of your data source
config xml?

Have you set up test DB instance and Tomcat instances
to replicate the problem so you don't have to wait
till over the weekend for it to recur?


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