Here you go found some docs.... can check all settings 4 ure self

2. Configuring the Manager Web Application

The Manager web application lets you perform simple management tasks on your web applications through a more simplified web user interface than that of the Admin web app.

The Manager web application is defined in the auto-deployment file CATALINA_BASE/webapps/manager.xml.

You must edit this file to ensure that the path specified in the docBase attribute of the Context element is absolute; that is, the absolute path of CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/manager.

If you're using the default UserDatabaseRealm, you'll need to add a user and role to the CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml file. For now, just edit this file, and add a role named "manager" to your users database:
<role name="manager"/>

You must also have a user who is assigned the "manager" role. Add a user line like this after the existing user entries (changing the password to something a bit more secure):
<user name="manager" password="deep_dark_secret" roles="manager"/>

Then restart Tomcat and visit the URL http://localhost/manager/list to see the plain-text manager interface, or http://localhost/manager/html/list for the simple HTML manager interface. Either way, your Manager application should now be working.

The Manager application lets you install new web applications on a non-persistent basis, for testing. If we have a web application in /home/user/hello and want to test it by installing it under the URI /hello, we put "/hello" in the first text input field (for Path) and "file:/home/user/hello" in the second text input field (for Config URL).

The Manager also allows you to stop, reload, remove, or undeploy a web application. Stopping an application makes it unavailable until further notice, but of course it can then be restarted. Users attempting to access a stopped application will receive an error message, such as 503 - This application is not currently available.

Removing a web application removes it only from the running copy of Tomcat -- if it was started from the configuration files, it will reappear the next time you restart Tomcat (i.e., removal does not remove the web application's content from disk).

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: A second administration port

Tomcat : 5.5.20
Java  : BEA JRockit 1.5.0_08


I have configured a second address administration (9000): I have defined
within the server.xml a second service as:
<Connector port="9000" ...>, with an entry "Host" on which i've defined an
AppBase attribute different from <webapps>. All work fine.
Now I would like to administrate my web applications from the new port:
deploy, undeploy, start or stop
How can I do this ?


Best Regards

Jean-Louis Matéo

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