On Wednesday 28 March 2007 18:17, Christopher Schultz wrote: 

> > Do they go through request.encodeURL automatically or do I have to do
> > something?

If you use JSTL Core library c:url, then they do. If you are using "<a 
href=''>", then they do not and you have to use 
<a href="<%= response.encodeURL(theURL) %>">link</a>.

It's safer and cleaner to use c:url.

I prefer the XML syntax,

<jsp:element name="a">
  <jsp:attribute name="title">Log out</jsp:attribute>
  <jsp:attribute name="href"><c:url value="logoff.jsp"/></jsp:attribute>
  <jsp:body>Log Out</jsp:body>

but you can do

<a href="<c:out value="logoff.jsp"/>">Log Out</a>

Nicholas Sushkin, Senior Software Engineer
http://www.openfinance.com http://www.wealthinformationexchange.com

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