
I am using embedded tomcat 5.5.16. I am trying to embed tomcat server in my
java application. I tried to find how to set some attributes like
maxThreads, acceptCount and so on but was not able to find a good way to do
this in embedded tomcat application.

Secondly I am trying to feed SOAP request to this server, so where do i need
to set my wsdd file.

I have tried the following.

*import* java.net.UnknownHostException;


import* org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector;

import* org.apache.catalina.Context;


import* org.apache.catalina.Engine;

import* org.apache.catalina.Host;

import* org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;


import* org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded;

public* *class* EmbeddedServer


*private* String path = *null*;

*private* Embedded embedded = *null*;

*private* Host host = *null*;

*private* *int* port ;

*private* Engine engine = *null*;

*private* Connector connector = *null*;

*private* Context context = *null*;


* Basic Accessor setting the value of the context path


* [EMAIL PROTECTED] path - the path


*public* *void* setPath(String path, *int* port) {

*this*.path = path;

*this*.port = port;



* Basic Accessor returning the value of the context path


* [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the context path


*public* String getPath() {

*return* path;


*public* *int* getPort() {

*return* port;


*public* *void* start() *throws* LifecycleException, UnknownHostException


// Set the home directory

System.*setProperty*("catalina.home", getPath());

embedded = *new* Embedded();

// Create an engine

engine = embedded.createEngine();

engine.setDefaultHost( "localhost" );

// Create a default virtual host

host = embedded.createHost(InetAddress.*getLocalHost*().getHostName(),

+ "/webapps");


// Create the ROOT context

context = embedded.createContext("", getPath() + "/webapps/ROOT");


// Install the assembled container hierarchy


//Assemble and install a default HTTP connector

connector = embedded.createConnector((java.net.InetAddress) *null*,
getPort(), *false*);

// configure connector attributes


 // Start the embedded server




* This method Stops the Tomcat server.


*public* *void* stopTomcat() *throws* Exception {

// Stop the embedded server





I am not sure how can i set up attributes for my Connector and how to use
WSDD file. Thanks in advance for any help or hints to fix this issue.


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