Hello all,

                 I am Sunil C.
                 i have used JK2 connector to connect Apache and Tomcat
I am having a servlet (Certserv) folder in webapps folder in Tomcat.
i gave uri to that cert program in my workers2.properties file.

everything is working fine.

but i face a secuirty issue. this machine is in other domain. i mean Japan.
i did a remote login and checked the uri . its working fine.

the real problem lies ...when i type the uri from my machine. it should show
"authentication required"
because that folder is authentication restricted.
but now ..i am able to run the uri from machine also.

please tell me how can i restrict it.

i tried giving :

<Location "/cert">
       JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

but it doesnt seem to work.

is there something i have to include in my httpd.conf file of Apache?

please help me forward

thanks in advance.


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