yes I know, eventually I want to do this whole webapp in struts.. for now just want to be able to count how many images in 'images' folder..

(what I don't get here is first line.. where does the reqParameter come from? (this method is usu. used to get params from request (user input, query string, etc..) so don't get where "directory" is coming from here..)

thank you very much..

David Smith wrote:
Ok... I think I'm starting to see the picture here. You want to be able to write a jsp that can list the directory contents of a folder. This is very crude, no error checking, untested, etc. but you'll catch on....

     String reqParameter = request.getParameter( "directory" ) ;
URI dirURI = this.getServletContext().getResource( reqParameter ).toURI() ;
     File dirFile = new File( dirURI ) ;
     if ( dirFile.isDirectory() ) {
         String[] fileList = dirFile.list() ;
         for ( int index = 0; index < fileList.length; index++ ) {
             out.println( "<li>" + fileList[ index ] + "</li>" ) ;
  And it does comply with the servlet spec.


maya wrote:

thank you.. someone in another forum said the same thing.. problem is, if I have trouble accessing directory, how will I tell these methods to "get Resource" for that dir????? :)

(also, alas, don't quite remember how to use methods of interfaces -- since interfaces can't be instantiated, didn't find getInstance() method for this interface.. but well, can look this up elsewhere, I suppose....:)

thank you...

David Smith wrote:
I'm not sure what you're attempting to do here, but have you thought about ServletContext.getResource() and ServletContext.getResourceAsStream() ? Both are safe methods of reading resources from the webapp whether it be in a compressed archive or not. There is also getRealPath(), but it will only work if the webapp is expanded (ie not a .war file).

I can't recommend it enough -- read the servlet spec. It really does help.


maya wrote:

File dir = new File("C:\\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\\webapps\\india\\delhi\

this works fine in my machine locally, but on my website.. if, say,
I'm in dir where 'images' dir is, this doesn't work...

        File dir = new File("images")

starting @ root of webapp also doesn't work...

    File dir = new File("/india/delhi/images");

names of directors are good, they are all lowercase...

have conditional to test...

            if (imgsList == null)

always prints 'null' on my website...

do paths in this constructor have to be absolute?  so on my website
path would have to start with "http..."?????

is this an access problem? if so, do I need to ask my webhosting folks? I know this is not a very "kosher" way of doing it, but am running this code in a JSP for now (still don't know enough struts and such to do this kind of stuff in a stand-alone class.. but of course eventually will have to.. all I want to do is count how many images are in 'images' dir.. that's it..)

thank you...

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