I tried to create multi-level context paths for you according to the documentation here: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/context.html
I tried something like this: ...\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\conf\Catalina\localhost\ROOT.xml ...\apache-tomcat-6.0.10\conf\Catalina\localhost\Second#Second.xml Both of these files only had the Context node with path empty in both and only the docBase was specified with reloadable set to true. I got it working for a moment, that is I was able to access the default context at http://localhost:9090/ and the other context at http://localhost:9090/Second/Second But after that, I don't know what happened by none of the other projects including the multilevel context project were available at their respective URLs. Tomcat usually shows a short snippet of INFO when it starts up, but after adding the multilevel context I got some duplicate entries on the console like this: Apr 11, 2007 12:45:14 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig defaultWebConfig INFO: No default web.xml The above like repeated about 6 times This case happened twice, the 2nd time I tried it on a fresh install of 6.0.10 --- but now I'm going to install TC fresh again. Just thought I'll let you know (don't know if it helps). -Rashmi On 4/10/07, mrpapini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a problem deploying war file and specifying multilevel context path. Similar question was asked in this forum before but without definitive answer. My scenario is as follow, I have a war file, say webtest.war and I'd like to access it by: /test/webtest. I found the only way to do so is to actually create context entry for this in server.xml inside host element. Trying to create test#webtest.xml in conf/engine/host directory would not work, tomcat would throw exception trying to access docBase test/webtest (tomcat expands war file into webtest directory only). I've tried many combinations and scenarios, nothing would work except having context inside server.xml. However, that is bad because, 1. it seems to be deprecated, 2. does not allow for dynamic reload. Anybody can share light on this? Is there any combinations of settings/naming that would allow me to access webtest app via /test/webtest context? Regards, -pp -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Multilevel-context-path-problem-tf3554394.html#a9924480 Sent from the Tomcat - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To start a new topic, e-mail: users@tomcat.apache.org To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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