I forgot to mention I have SDK5 installed as well, not that it matters 

----- Original Message ----
From: Martin Heiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:14:27 AM
Subject: Re: Ajax xmlhttprequest


  As you said: You installed PHP separately installed on your laptop.
  Tomcat can't interpret PHP out of the box. If you only want to use
  PHP without any Java, install the Apache HTTPD (httpd.apache.org)
  with mod_php5 enabled. If you also want to use Java, you've got
  three choices:

  1) Run PHP on Apache HTTPD and Java on Tomcat. Setup communication
     via http - calls between the two servers.

  2) Run PHP on Apache HTTPD and use the PHP-Java Bridge. You don't
     need Tomcat.

  3) You can interpret PHP on Tomcat if you use the reference
     implementation for JSR-223 (Scripting for the Java Platform)

  With the scenario you described, I'd recommend to just switch from
  Tomcat to the Apache HTTPD.



am Dienstag, 17. April 2007 um 00:44 schrieben Sie:

> I have Mozila Firefox, Jakarta Tomcat v5.0.28, PHP5 and PostgreSQL
> 8.2.3-1 installed seperately on my laptop, also have MySQL installed
> but using Postgres for project purpose.  All of my php files are
> listed under http://localhost:8080/ProjectFolder.  Some of my php
> files are webpages and most are scripts.  I have a database and a
> few tables created.  So far in DOS, I can query the database with a
> php script on its own.  In Windows, (Editplus text editor) one of my
> webpages is trying to execute the same php script via an Ajax
> xmlhttprequest, using alerts I have gone through the http
> readystates 1,2,3,4 and http status 200, but am having problems
> accessing/parsing responseText.  In tomcat, I am getting as far as
> readystate 1, (firewall turned off).  Is there any
> particular/obvious reason why the request is breaking down in tomcat?

> Richard.

> ----- Original Message ----
> From: dimitryous r. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:58:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Ajax xmlhttprequest

>> I have a php webpage which is hosted on my laptop (XP and tomcat  
>> localhost:8080).

> Hello,
> Please tell me more about your configuration:
> if your Apache Tomcat server is running on port 8080 how come do you  
> get something out of a xxx.php script?
> You mean: at http://localhost:8080/myfile.jsp (Apache Tomcat 5.5.x)  
> this script call http://localhost/anyfile.php (Apache 1.3.xx with php/
> MySQL built-in)???

> Is this the way you do it?

> Thank you much.

> On 8 avr. 07, at 14:55, Richard Dunne wrote:

>> I have a php webpage which is hosted on my laptop (XP and tomcat  
>> localhost:8080). My webpage is executing a php script via an  
>> xmlhttprequest which queries a database and sends back the info to  
>> the webpage.   I have an a few alerts in my request to see the  
>> http.readystate and the http.status as they change.  In windows  
>> (IE7), when I execute the request I can see the readystate changing  
>> 1,2,3,4 and the status 200.  In tomcat when I execute the request,  
>> I am getting 1 alert, that is readystate 1, and thats as far as it  
>> goes.  Can anyone suggest a possible solution, or have an idea as  
>> to what the problem might be.
>> Richard.
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