

In Tomcat 5.5.23 and above the following under security issue was
included (CVE-2005-2090):


Requests with multiple content-length headers should be rejected as
invalid. When multiple components (firewalls, caches, proxies and
Tomcat) process a sequence of requests where one or more requests
contain multiple content-length headers and several components do not
reject the request and make different decisions as to which
content-length leader to use an attacker can poision a web-cache,
perform an XSS attack and obtain senstive information from requests
other then their own. Tomcat now returns 400 for requests with multiple
content-length headers


It turns out that we have mobile clients that due to technical issue
send requests with multiple content-length headers. Is there a way that
we can turn off this feature in the tomcat in order for us to be bale to
upgrade our tomcat and still support old clients?



Ori Fine

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