I am trying to use Jasper on Fedora Core 6 to precompile some of my jsp
but I come across the following classpath builder errors when trying run
the jasper script:-

$ /usr/bin/jasper5.sh
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Could not find jasper-compiler Java
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Could not find jasper-runtime Java
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Could not find jsp-2.0-api Java
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Could not find servlet-2.4-api Java
extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/build-classpath: error: Some specified jars were not found
Usage: /usr/bin/jasper5.sh ( jspc )
  jspc - Run the offline JSP compiler

I looked in the script to see what jar files the classpath builder
needed and compared that to similar looking jar files in /usr/share/java

By creating links to the following files I get rid of the errors

$ su -
# cd /usr/share/java
# ln -s jasper5-compiler.jar jasper-compiler.jar
# ln -s jasper5-runtime.jar jasper-runtime.jar
# ln -s tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.jar jsp-2.0-api.jar
# ln -s tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.jar servlet-2.4-api.jar
# exit
$ /usr/bin/jasper5.sh
Usage: /usr/bin/jasper5.sh ( jspc )
  jspc - Run the offline JSP compiler

So what I am wondering is have I missed off installing a compatibility
package or is there a mistake in the jasper package that should either
create these links or change the names required in the script?

For reference the packages concerned are

Steve Hindmarch
One IT - iBridge Development

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