Hi Eqbal,

Try upgrading the DTD/Schema URIs to 2.4 version since that's the
latest version supported by 5.5.x .

To upgrade, remove these lines:

  <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC
        "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application

and change the web-app node to

<web-app version="2.4"

Also move the error-page nodes to the bottom of the web.xml , that is
after the taglib nodes.

to display a custom error page on 404/500 errors. . It
works on my local machine which has Tomcat 5.5.17, but
it does not work on my server which has 5.5.20
installed. Any ideas?

Could you please elaborate -- "does not work" doesn't give us much
clue as to what may be wrong.


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