On 4/19/07, Rashmi Rubdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Check the configuration of the above aliasing. Normally URL Rewriting
is done in a sequence, the first matching path pattern is applied, so
it helps to check all patterns and see which is the first one that's
being applied.

The alias looks like this:

Alias /path/to/jmarks "/srv/www/tomcat5/base/webapps/jmarks"
<Directory "/srv/www/tomcat5/base/webapps/jmarks">
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   allow from all

It is copied wholesale from aliases that already exist for the
built-in /jsp-examples and /servlets-examples, which work correctly.
In addition, I know that the alias works correctly for all other
content in the directory, and that I get the same error without

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